Nine Inch Nails - Everyday is Exactly the Same (fra With Teeth)
Einstürzende Neubauten - Interimslieben (fra EP-en)
Anja Garbarek - I.C. (fra Balloon Mood)
Pride & Fall - Paragon (fra Electrixmas 2004)
New Violators - Tonight Becomes Tomorrow (fra Myspace)
[Intervju med Chris Corner i IAMX fra Arvikafestivalen 2007]
IAMX - Missile (fra The Alternative)
Iambia - Chaosmancer (666 mix by Nord of Siva Six)
Dupont - Why don't you dance with me (remix by Interlace)
Necrotek - Spectre (fra Endzeit Bunkertracks II)
Førstkommende lørdag sender Syntetisk et intervju med Chris Corner fra IAMX gjort på årets Arvikafestival. I tillegg blir det som vanlig masse fin musikk for vårt synthelskende publikum.
EDIT: Sendinga ble utsatt til en senere anledning pga. det vi kan kalle tekniske problemer.
Pouppee Fabrik - Elite electronics (rsst mix)
Soman - Twister
Chemical Brothers feat. Ali Love - Do it again
E-Craft - Revolts blood V. 1.0
Zeigeist - Bunny
Infected Mushroom - Eat it raw
LFO - We are back
Syrian - Supernova
Laibach - Das Spiel ist aus (Radio remix)
Simian Mobile Disco - I believe
Jam & Spoon - Find me(Odyssey to Anyoona) (Frühschicht mix)
I studio: Ronnie, teknikk ved Magnus.
Rabia Sorda - Walking on Nails (fra Metodos Del Caos)
Zeromancer - Fell You With a Kiss (fra ZZyzx)
120 Days - Keep On Smiling (fra 120 Days)
Cue to Recall - Strip the Light (fra Polarity)
Ashbury Heights - Cry Havoc (fra
Apoptygma Berzerk - Non Stop Violence (fra 7)
Covenant One World One Sky (fra United States of Mind)
Frontline Assembly - Resist (fra Caustic Grip)
Mortiis - Scar Trek / Parasite God (fra The Smell of Rain)
Seigmen - Colosseum (fra Total)
(Henrik i studio)
Fra Lippo Lippi - Come Summer
Fra Lippo Lippi - Shouldn't Have To Be Like That
Infected Mushroom - Bust-a-move
Frontline Assembly - The Blade
Portion Control - Compumix
Apoptygma Berzerk - Deep Red
Pluxus - Agent Tagent
Hocico - Instincts of Perversion
IAMX - Kiss & Swallow
Slagsmålsklubben - Kasta sten
(Henrik i studio)
Blutengel - Go to Hell (Forever Lost mix)
The Order - Eyes of Faith
Hocico - Twisted Lines (Solitary Experiments remix)
Front 242 - Im Rhythmus Bleiben
The Knife - Silent Knife
Gothminister - Angel
Rotersand - Would You Buy This?
Allergy - What For?
Snog - Hey Christian God
Atropine - Retch Trigger
Retrosic - The Storm
(Ronnie og Henrik i studio)
XPQ-21 - Jesus was gay
32crash - Isomodia
Apoptygma Berzerk - In This Together (remix by flipside)
Juvelen - Hannah
Leætherstrip - Homophobia (gay pride version)
Unter Null - Bloodlust
Zombiegirl - Gonna Getcha
Count To Infinity - Undertow (IOC mix)
Sturm Café - Radiosüchtig
Fields of the Nephilim - Straight to the Light
(Henrik og Ronnie i studio)
Monomen - Drum of Glass
Monomen - Neon
Recoil - Prey
Depeche Mode - More than a Party
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. - Phantom
Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
Marilyn Manson - If I Was Your Vampire
Pankow - A Wine Called Anarchy
Pankow - Property is Theft
Cocteau Twins - Pearly Dewdrops Drop
Ayria - My Revenge on the World
Fixmer/McCarthy - You Want It
(Ida i studio)
Bermuda Triangle - It Feels Good
Northborne - Baby Needs Coke
Essence of Mind - Sink
Essence of Mind - Should Care
Servoskudd - Autopilot
Frost - ??
Binærpilot - Robot Wars
Shiny Toy Guns - Don't Cry Out
Apoptygma Berzerk - A Strange Day
Funker Vogt - ??
Fad Gadget - The box
Assemblage 23 - Disappoint
(Samples fra Independence Day)
Infected Mushroom - Release Me
(Samples fra Full Metal Jacket)
Combichrist - This Is My Rifle
(Samples fra Night of the Living Dead)
Suicide Commando - Menschenfresser
Skinny Puppy - Rivers
Velvet Acid Christ - Futile
(Samples fra Blade Runner)
Covenant - Replicant
VNV Nation - Burnout
Frontline Assembly - Liquid Seperation
(Espen og Henrik i studio)
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