Spilleliste Syntetisk 03.09.2011

Simple Minds - In Trance as Mission
Hearts of Black Science - Gold & Dust
Pantentbrigade: Wollf - Mauerradio (extended version)
Agrezzior - The Bunker
Tenek - I Don't Cry (for you)
Ultra Sherrif - Destroy all Humans
Everything Goes Cold - I've Sold Your Organs on the Black Market to Finance the Purchase of a Used Minivan
Loveplanet - Godess to All
Freezepop - Doppelgänger
Mommy Hurt my Head - Ejaculate
Recoil - Faith Healer

Runa og Kristin eide studio. Katharina eide spakene.

Vi trakk heldige vinnere som vant Elektrostat-pass og Skrillexxxxx billett! Hurra hurra!